Hello Ladies,

Fashioned reminds me that God is with me every step I take in life. Whatever a day may bring, good or bad, I know God is using it to fashion me into the image of His Son, and to bring Him glory.
Don’t waste time wondering what you are supposed to be doing. Wherever you find yourself…give God the glory. Trust Him to help you understand your purpose in life.
Fashioned was also written because I was always stuck on the fact that this life on here was all there is. We were created then we died. It was what I grew up thinking about my physical existence, never thought about the spiritual life. That’s why I started the poem with being created by God first, and ending that stanza with “great plans He has for me.” Never did I think that my great God had plans for me. But, He did, He does and He always will, because He was, He is and He will always be.
Ladies, you were created for a purpose. I struggled with “not me” He would never choose me…but, He did! And I am ever so thankful.
Father, thank You for creating me. All things You spoke into existence, yet You fashioned me with Your hands. Magnify the talents and gifts that you gave me while I was being fearfully and wonderfully made and use them for Your glory. Remind me every day of my purpose, that I may give You the glory due Your name. In Jesus name. Amen
Father, I come before You, to thank You and praise You for fashioning me with Your hands. Thank You for Your plan for me, to spend eternity with You. Thank You for making me a new person through Your Son, my Savior, Jesus. There is so much more to life than I had ever imagined. You created me with a purpose in mind and I thank You for creating me to glorify Your name. You are a holy and righteous God, and I pray that I may live my life to be who You created me to be. I love You, I love my Jesus, and I love Your Holy Spirit. Amen.