Story Behind – BLOOMISTA

Inspirational Poem

Hello Bloomista’s,

Bloomista was written to remind me and encourage me of God’s amazing grace.  I can flourish in God’s grace, and not be hindered by the circumstances in my life.  I can walk through the deserts, and become a garden and I will not wither. I can keep going.

A flower blooms from a seed planted in good soil…I am planted in the kingdom of God and in His truth.  A flower blooms from the proper sunlight…I have the Sonlight within me, Jesus Christ. A flower blooms from the proper moisture…I am watered by the Holy Spirit.

Each day is a new day to bloom in God’s grace. In the good times or bad, in the sunshine and in the gloomy days, whatever day you may be having…seek God’s grace.

Think about a time in your life have when you saw the abundance of God’s grace, a ...

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Story Behind – FASHIONED

Inspirational Poem

Hello Ladies,

Fashioned reminds me that God is with me every step I take in life. Whatever a day may bring, good or bad, I know God is using it to fashion me into the image of His Son, and to bring Him glory.

Don’t waste time wondering what you are supposed to be doing. Wherever you find yourself…give God the glory. Trust Him to help you understand your purpose in life.

Fashioned was also written because I was always stuck on the fact that this life on here was all there is. We were created then we died. It was what I grew up thinking about my physical existence, never thought about the spiritual life. That’s why I started the poem with being created by God first, and ending that stanza with “great plans He has for me...

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Story Behind – TAKE THE BATTLE

Inspirational Poem

Hello Ladies,

When I read Psalm 24:8 Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty; the LORD mighty in battle. I was in awe of it, and in awe of Jesus.

I have struggled with depression and the thoughts can be so overwhelming. Sad thoughts, dark thoughts. Thoughts of inadequacy, self worth, loneliness and hopelessness to name a few. Depression was truly a battle for me.  Although, I  have overcome depression by the grace of God, it doesn’t mean that bad thoughts don’t come anymore…they will come.  Why? Because our minds are a playground for Satan our enemy to torment us and pull us away from God.
He loves to bring confusion to our lives to doubt God and instill fear in us. But God does not want us to live in fear but to have peace.

So, when I read Psalm 24:8 and reali...

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