Story Behind – BLOOMISTA

Inspirational Poem

Hello Bloomista’s,

Bloomista was written to remind me and encourage me of God’s amazing grace.  I can flourish in God’s grace, and not be hindered by the circumstances in my life.  I can walk through the deserts, and become a garden and I will not wither. I can keep going.

A flower blooms from a seed planted in good soil…I am planted in the kingdom of God and in His truth.  A flower blooms from the proper sunlight…I have the Sonlight within me, Jesus Christ. A flower blooms from the proper moisture…I am watered by the Holy Spirit.

Each day is a new day to bloom in God’s grace. In the good times or bad, in the sunshine and in the gloomy days, whatever day you may be having…seek God’s grace.

Think about a time in your life have when you saw the abundance of God’s grace, a time when you bloomed and did not wither? You kept going and didn’t give up?
What blossomed out of that situation?

These are the times that you become the fragrance of Jesus Christ to God and others.

Be a woman blooming in God’s grace!

Father, I come before You asking that You help us to remember Your grace. It is abundantly given to us, because where sin abounds, Your grace abound more. Help us to never give up but to keep going. There are desert times when we feel like we cannot be productive, we are tired, we feel overwhelmed, but help us to keep our eyes on you that we may grow, flourish and bloom in Your grace. We need You, we need Your grace so that we can become the fragrance of Jesus Christ to You and to others. We love You, and pray in the name of Your Precious Son, Jesus! Amen.

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